Howdy, Jacob! For Mac

  1. Howdy Jacob For Mac Osx
  2. Howdy Jacob For Mac Mojave
I have been asked to re-create a piece of machined steel in 3D for a welder client of mine, and have the basic model built in Motion 4, but am trying to find how I can apply some kind of textured metal finish to the model instead of the boring grey blocks I have at the moment. I have searched for tutorials on the subject but can't seem to find any that apply to Motion.
Does anyone know how I can apply textures, etc to my model to make it look more realistic??
Many Thanks...

Howdy Jacob For Mac Osx

17' MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

I got a Mac 110 that looks good and is free to the first interested party. I only ask for the shipping costs. It needs the carb gone through, starter spring replaced, and an ignition wire. It has the black Mac 110 12' bar and a new chain on it. Otherwise I'm going to pitch it in the dumpster. Jacob just shook his head. Lets go over on the playground. I could hear you better.' Jacob nodded and we got up. The two of us went over to the playground and sat down on the start of the slide. Let me start at the beginning. I hope you have time.' Jacob said softly. 'I have all the time you need.'

Posted on Nov 30, 2009 2:37 AM

Saturday, July 13, 2019
3:00 PM
ThornCreek Winery
The Bertram Inn & Conference Center

Hi my name is Marissa Sinko. Shannon and I met and became best friends in first grade when we bonded over our mutual disdain for our first grade teacher who used to hit us with newspaper. Don’t worry everyone our first grade teacher is not a representation of how Shannon is as a first grade teacher, She’s AMAZING. I spent two years living in Fort Myers with Shannon and after those two years living and teaching at the same school I had slowly convinced every child at the school that we were not friends, we were sisters. Shannon really is more like a sister to me. We grew up playing soccer together, embarrassing ourselves in our 8th grade talent show dancing to girls just wanna have fun, and spontaneously moving across the country together to start a new adventure in Florida. I am so happy that we did because that’s where she met the love of her life, Jacob. I could not have picked a better man for my best friend and to be completely honest I could not have picked a man who would put up with my 5 call minimum a day now that we live a thousand miles apart. I am so happy for you two and I am so excited to see where life takes you. I love you both and wish you a life of love, patience, kindness, and endless adventures.

Shannon Angel made me fail finals. The End.


Shannon and I met way back in elementary school on our town's club soccer team. Both of us played forward on the team, and it didn't take long for both of us to think the other was a ball hog. Now, it took us some time to become more than just teammates, but once we became friends we never let the other forget how much of a ball hog they were, even as we moved onto our high school team. A crucial part of this friendship was that we would each deny the ball hog accusation tooth and nail. It has been the main argument our relationship has faced until this very day! But, now that we are both mature, I can safely say we've moved passed this fight. We now accept that we were both probably ball hogs....but she was worse than me, just saying ;)

LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!!! Ryleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Hi, I'm Mae! I've known Shannon since first grade. She was a wonderful friend from day one passing little love letters between me and my first grade crush. Our paths went different directions in middle school but in high school, our paths crossed again when I became close with Mo and Ryles! Even though we all went to different places, we always made time to visit each other and stay in touch. We've made funny and unforgettable memories from senior year Spring Break with g-ma and g-pa House to Rylee's WELL hosted parties at OSU to Miss Piddles and Shannon's first apartment in Fort Myers to now! I'm so excited to be apart of Shannon and Jacobe's special night and stand by the best group of friends a girl could ask for. 'Here's to the nights that turn into mornings with friends that turned into family' <3

I met Shannon in fourth grade. We played on the same soccer team and had the same teacher, so we spent a lot of time not listening during social-studies and even more time getting yelled at for talking during soccer practice (it was really all my fault though) Throughout grade school, middle school, and the first year of high school, Shannon always included me and we made the funniest, best memories. After moving to Florida in high school, I knew a lot would change in my life, but one thing remains the same and that's been our ability to be silly and honest with another. Shannon is the definition of a true, loyal friend. I know she has found her match and I cannot wait to celebrate their wedding, their life and all they have to look forward to.

Shannon and I were roommates and sorority sisters in college! If you ask either of us the moment we actually became friends, neither of us could tell you! (We've had this conversation/debate multiple times) I think the stand out moment that we both agree on as solidifying our friendship was when our roommates were fighting and, instead of getting involved, I was making Shannon a grilled cheese for her to take to football practice so she could eat it while she was working. After that, we were practically inseparable. We had lots of really crazy, late nights.....watching Chopped and House Hunters. Oh and all the other crazy things that college students get up to. Well, I should say, what Shannon got up to while I stood on the porch and told her to come back inside. Shannon is the best friend a person could ask for, and I am so happy to have her in my life! All the best to her and Jacob!

Shannon and I became friends when we all moved into our sorority house my senior year. I moved in thinking who is this girl?? , to her becoming one of my best friends. I never thought I could meet a bigger diva than myself but man did she prove me wrong! But that is one of the million reasons why I love her! Some other reasons include always being down to feed my inner fatness by going to McDonald's at midnight, being my poolside bae, and our mutual love of her mother's cheesecake. I am so happy Shannon found the man of her dreams and I mean come on, look at that rock! I can't wait to stand by her side on the most important day of her life.

Hi my name is Kristy and I met Shannon our freshman year of college. We played soccer together for Heidelberg for a couple short months until I quit the team, but before that even our friendship started off by her REMOVING me as her roommate before we even met...and the rest is history! We've had many, many, many adventurous through our college time some bad but mostly amazing! Disney songs roaming through campus at night! Late nights in the mega bed and making my husband (then boyfriend) make us popcorn and proceed to kick him out until we needed something else. Shannon has been my best friend for 6 years now and those years would not have been the same without her at all. I am so lucky to have such an amazing person in my life and I couldn't be happier that she has found the man of her dreams like I did, because God knows how many frogs we both have kissed to find them! I could go on and on but I will digress. I am very blessed I get to share this amazing day standing by her side as a bridesmaid. Love you times infinity.

Hi everyone! My name is Lindsay and I am so excited to be apart of Shannon and Jacob's wedding. Unlike everyone else, I've only known Shannon for 3 years. I met her around the holidays (I can't remember if it was Thanksgiving or Christmas) when she was home from college for a break. I started dating her brother, Scott, back in October so I was visiting his family when I first met Shannon. I was excited and nervous to meet her because I only grew up with brothers. I've always wanted a sister, so I wanted to make a good impression. I think the day I met Shannon, she was hanging out with Marissa, Rylee, and Mae so I met all 4 the same day. We've had lots of family memories together. From watching the fireworks in Hudson to my first NFL football game where thankfully I was 1 of 2 Steelers fans, (See picture above) I'm so glad that I get to call you my sister. I'm excited for you, Jacob and Oakley. I can't wait to watch you walk down the isle to your best friend!

Myname is Aaron Like and I’m currently living in Montana serving as the AssociateDean of Students at Montana State University Billings. I am also extremelyhonored to serve as Jacob’s Best Man during his wedding this Summer!

Ifirst met Jacob in the fall of 2007 as we were both in our first semester atMurray State University. Jacob was pledging to become a brother in thePhi Kappa Tau fraternity and I honestly thought he was kind of weird. However, after getting to know him for a bit, I decided that I would pledge tobecome a brother in the same fraternity the next semester, in which I reallygot to know Jacob. Since then, we have been great friends and haveexperienced some really great, fun, and probably life-threatening momentstogether. We became Resident Assistants (RAs) together in 2010 and thendecided to take on the same career path as graduate Hall Directors. Jacobwent to Mississippi State and I stayed at Murray State, however our friendshipnever declined.

Jacobis one of the most exuberant, life-loving people that I know in thisworld. His genuine happiness for life is amazing and what I most admireabout him. I’m proud to be able to stand by his side this summer as he isprivileged to marry Shannon. Congratulations Shannon & Jacob!


Hey! I'm Sean, I'm married and currently work at Florida gulf Coast University as a Residence Life Coordinator.

What to say about Sir Dr. Jacob Thomas McAbee III Esq. I could tell you about PBR and skee ball,that time we jumped out a plane together, when all he wanted on his birthdaywas to ride an escalator, or that I have a picture of him in a neon track suitsitting on my desk at work. Jacob has some crazy ideas, but he always makessure to include others and that’s one of the things I admire most about him. Hecan be loud and his jokes suck sometimes, but he has a way of drawing you inand making you smile that made us friends. Starting off as co-workers, I wasunsure of what to think of him. After getting to know him, his personal mottoof, “I can. I will. I have to” describes his attitude and approach to lifeperfectly. These qualities and his willingness to agree to do just aboutanything are what helped us become friends. I am proud to stand by Jacob at hiswedding and can’t wait to see what he and Shannon will do with the rest oftheir lives together.

Howdy ya’ll,

Howdy Jacob For Mac Mojave

My name is Derek Reidford. I am writing this little......let’s call it “The greatest short story ever told” tell you about myrelationship with the legend that is, Jacob McAbee.

Me and Jacob met around 2011 I believe. I was visiting agood friend in Murray Kentucky who happened to be great friends with a Jacob.After we met each other, we realized we went together like Chandler and Joeyfrom Friends. Fast forward through quoting every early Adam Sandler movie oncommand, countless weekends at Nick's, Tuesday’s at The Keg watching Johnny Mac,and Bailey Bunch house parties, and you get the friendship we have today. Jacob wasin my wedding, and he has asked me to be a groomsman in his wedding.He’s heck of a guy, and a hell of a bowler!...(Only Office fans willunderstand). I thought, if he could choose to be one celebrity, it would beMarky Mark Wahlberg. Then I thought, no...he’d be himself, the legend, JacobMcAbee.

I will leave you with this thought...

If you every look over and see Jacob doing something andwonder “Is that good?”...just know, that it’s unbelievable...


My name is Jerry Cherry and I am currently working in Boone, NC as a Coordinator at Appalachian State University! I've worked at several institutions since I began my journey in Higher Education, but my favorite memories go way back to Mississippi State University where Jacob and I were elbow-slapping our way around Starkville, MS! I've been attacked by a family of raccoons with Jacob, but my heart beats faster knowing that he will be marrying the love of his life!


Hi, my name is Jacob Smith but McAbee calls me Gator (orJacob #1), and I have to say I am pretty lucky to have known McAbee since I wasaround three or four years old. Back then, Jacob’s mom used to babysit mysister and me; and while I do not have very many memories during this time, onethat sticks out vividly is when I broke the lock to McAbee’s guest bathroom andcould not get out for HOURS! Even though I was a little older than McAbee backthen, he has never let me live down the fact that I could not figure out how toopen that door. Now I know this seems like a small memory, but from this pointon, our friendship has been built on ALWAYS announcing each other’sshortcomings and the “little” pranks that continue to this day. Like the timein high school when we kidnapped McAbee and stuffed him in the trunk of a carand then drove him around Marshall County, or when we “borrowed” a bunch oftraffic cones and street signs and put them in his front yard at two o’clock inthe morning. This is only a small sample of the shenanigans that we got intoand thankfully in college our antics slowed down a bit. Over the last decade, Ihave watched McAbee grow into an amazing student affairs professional and I amso happy for all that he has been able to accomplish. Even though we are nowworlds apart every time we get together, it is like we have never missed abeat. This is why I knew he had met someone special when he called a fewsummers back and was like, “Hey Gator, I think you need to meet my girlfriendShannon.” That summer Shannon belly-flopped off a fifty-foot cliff intoKentucky Lake… so I think it is pretty clear she is a going to fit in verynicely! This coming summer I look forward to being able to share in theirspecial day and I am humbled for the opportunity to stand next to one of mybest friends!

My name is Fletcher Ferguson and I am from Memphis, TN (901 til I’m done!). Currently living in Richmond, VA working at Virginia Commonwealth University. I met Jacob Thomas McAbee at TPE in 2014. All I thought was...this dude has more energy than anyone I have ever met. But you come to learn that’s the chip on his shoulder that pushes him, which made us close. We worked together at Florida Gulf Coast University for a few years, working together and having a good time. He was apart of the “Fletch Pose”, which includes not smiling. My favorite time was probably the skee ball tournament in Raleigh. Jacob, Sean, and I went to the contest for fun, but in the back of our mind we all wanted to win. We are all competitors. We came in second place but we had a good time! JT Mac is a good dude. That alone means I’m blessed to be chosen to stand by him on his day.

Hello, Luis Rivera here. New Jersey born, Pennsylvania raised, now turned Floridian. I’ll never forget the first night I met Jacob. Being the movie-line guy I am, when Jacob shouted out, “Hey Carl, good to see you” I knew this was going to be a good time. Along with Jacob’s outgoing personality and understanding of some of the best movies ever made, it was very easy for us to become good friends and go out and have a great time, no matter where we are. I’m also sure that my wife, Serina absolutely loves Jacob for getting me hooked on WWE again. Since meeting Jacob, I haven’t missed a Monday Night Raw, Smackdown Live or Pay-per view. As a matter of fact, he just MADE THE LIST for that. Jacob always has the perfect line for every situation including, “HELL NOOO” or “If you and Luis don’t come to pool, our relationship is O-V-E-R, OVER”! This is just a morsel we have been through in the, what seems like a very short amount of time we have known each other. As Jacob spoke to me when he met Shannon, I knew she was the one for him and I couldn’t feel more blessed to be a part of this moment with Jacob and Shannon as they start their journey together.